The Well Fed Neighbor

It’s all about food and food systems! This podcast discusses why it’s so important to support local and regional food systems particularly when done with an eye toward regenerative agriculture. Come listen to facts and stories around what is going on with our food supply and why it’s so important to learn how to grown your own food.

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Saturday Jan 27, 2024

Sarah and Angela talk about where the Well Fed Neighbor name came from as well as some other local food stories in SW Missouri. We as a community have accomplished a lot with the efforts of people who stay present with the local food cause. 

Thursday Jan 18, 2024

Thursday Jan 11, 2024

Our larger industrialized food system often has a way of managing things that makes a person think. Recently and Amish Farmer in Pennsylvania was shut down again due to allegations of making a child sick. There is a lot to discuss here but we will get into some of the food safety and inspection concerns as well as how food sovereignty aligns with local, regenerative foods. 

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

Sarah and Angela discuss why everyone ( yes, everyone) needs to grow food! Why? Because connects you with your food. Come listen to a candid talk, some ins and outs, stories about successes ( we could share failures but they are less inspiring)finding new tools and networking with community. Once you try it you'll never turn back. Elijah made his debut on this one in the background too!

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

Sarah and Angela, as promised, dive into the issue of plant based and lab grown meat. Are they meat? Are they sustainable and good for the planet? What about the nutritional value? The marketing around these products promote them to save the planet. Is this accurate or a potential marketing misrepresentation?  Ok, so there are a lot more questions than just the episode title. 

Thursday Dec 14, 2023

Sarah and Angela dive into the hot trendy topic of bugs in our food. Can bugs be a part of a sustainable food system? What if your neighbors eat bugs but you do not? Hopefully, this will provide some insight on where you would like to stand on this topic. 

Let’s Get Started! Episode 1

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

Sarah and Angela introduce themselves and talk a bit about why local and regional food systems are so important.

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